The Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland
The Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland is published once a year and incorporates the papers read to the Society during the preceding session. Submissions to the Society are considered year-round on a rolling basis, and there are occasional calls for submissions. The Society also normally holds one symposium a year with invited speakers from Ireland and abroad. The Society welcomes submissions from authors in Ireland or abroad to present papers at ordinary meetings. However, authors should note that papers must be presented in person at a meeting of the Society and the Society does not normally have funding available to assist authors with travel expenses. Most meetings are held in Dublin, but the Society also holds meetings in Belfast and Cork.
Papers submitted to the Society, except those to be read at symposia, are subject to refereeing before being accepted for delivery and publication. The comments of discussants on papers, authors' replies and comments from the floor are not subject to refereeing. Those wishing to present papers to the Society must submit their papers to one of the Honorary Secretaries for review.